Re: [AD] Finding a solution to the Windows problem

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On 12/04/2015 7:33 AM, Beoran wrote:
I'm sort of with AJ here. I think that for beginners, the best way to
start programming in C under windows is to learn how to use msys2.
With msys2 it's very easy to compile allegro's dependencies and
allegro itself.

On the other hand it's still important to dsupport MSVC so I guess we
should work on that a bit too, not too much though. Nuget sounds like
a great idea, as well as only supporting the community version of MSVC
2013 for now.

i'm (AJ) not anti-MSVC... i was trying to make the point that mingw is a far easier thing to go from nothing to a working installation; something that is incredibly important for noobs. the least steps the better.

and i need to say this again, and again.. and possibly again until it sinks in.. a tutorial video for setup is FAR more important than written instructions. i know this will probably get ignored again. your views of what a noob is, are probably quite out dated.

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