Re: [AD] Finding a solution to the Windows problem |
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12.04.2015 10:59, AJ пишет:
I think it's mostly number one - different build procedures. CMake can more or less solve #2 (because it supports both downloading from http and checking out from SVN/Git), and #3 usually could be controlled through build settings. Another thing, is that some of Allegro dependencies have dependencies of their own (libpng needs zlib, FreeType needs libpng and some other libraries etc.), so we need to have a complete dependency tree for checking out and compiling, and compile them in the right order.On 12/04/2015 3:40 AM, SiegeLord wrote: what are the top 3 reasons why they are hard? i'm guessing: * each dependency has a different procedure to build it. * no easy way to download them dynamically * they don't install to sensible places what else is there?
As an aside: Allegro does not seem to work with modern versions of DUMB (, only with the old 2005 version from the original author (
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