Re: [AD] RFC - Linux WM Fullscreen Patch |
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Dear Trent, First of all, your patch had carriage returns in it that I first had to strip of with dos2unix, but then it applied correctly, so that was OK, I guess. :-) I was probably the one who was confused about how SDL2 does it's fullscreen. I read the code but it seems I misunderstood a few things about it. So I guess I misinformed you. I apologize for that. I tried your patch with 13 randomly chosen window managers and it works well for 8 of them. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest is either obsolete or has bugs. I merely used ex_fs_window and ex_fs_resize and saw if the sceen was ok and could switch correctly repeatedly. I didn't check alt-tabbing because many window managers don't use that methof for switching focus. Most importantly is that it works fine for compiz even without legacy mode setting, for metacity and for xfwm4, which are probably the most common window managers out there. Too bad LXDE's window manager openbox doesn't work correctly, that may be one WM to try and fix fullscreen for as well. I attached a test report in text format. I hope it's infromative. Kind Regards, B.
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