Re: [AD] switching to git, 2012 edition |
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On Wed, 27 Jun 2012 19:56:01 +0200, Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 20:40:08 +1000
> Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Developers already have SourceForge accounts so I suggest we start
> > with that, then consider other options if it's unsatisfactory.
> > Changing hosts is easy anyway.
> >
> > I nominate Elias to take care of the migration :-)
> Sure, I'm happy to play with this.
> >
> > I can't see any tags on elias-pschernig/allegro5 and the author names
> > are randomly generated. Maybe a new import, or use mine?
> > I'd have to look over it again.
> Yeah, I left out branches and tags and then added some branches later
> manually, from what I remember. Where can you see those author names? I
> did nothing at all with them - but I vaguely remember there was a way
> to add email addresses to the SVN users when converting to git.
git log.
You can map SVN usernames to author names with the --authors-file
option. I've attached my file. I don't know why I used
then; would make more sense.
Also, Paul might want a different spelling of his name?
> Where is yours?
> I started a new svn2git, but with the tags it seems to take forever...
> i'll check if it's done tomorrow :P
Hopefully you are importing from a local copy of the SVN repository :)
My import has a mistake. There are hundreds of commits falsely credited
to me because of backports. Most of them have an extra "From:" line in
the log message indicating the original author. git svn has an option
--use-log-author to use that as the real author. It would be nice to
get it right in the import.
(no author) = (no author) <nobody@xxxxxxxxxx>
bukinm = Michael Bukin <bukinm@xxxxxxxxxx>
chriskcat = Chris Robinson <chriskcat@xxxxxxxxxx>
dschlyder = Daniel Schlyder <dschlyder@xxxxxxxxxx>
ebotcazou = Eric Botcazou <ebotcazou@xxxxxxxxxx>
eglebbk = Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>
elias = Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>
gfoot = George Foot <gfoot@xxxxxxxxxx>
goalie_ca = Ryan Dickie <goalie_ca@xxxxxxxxxx>
gradha = Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx>
hstokset = Henrik Stokseth <hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx>
icruz = Isaac Cruz <icruz@xxxxxxxxxx>
joe_programmer = Robert Ohannessian <joe_programmer@xxxxxxxxxx>
juvinious = Miguel A. Gavidia <juvinious@xxxxxxxxxx>
kazzmir = Jon Rafkind <kazzmir@xxxxxxxxxx>
konforce = Matthew Leverton <konforce@xxxxxxxxxx>
lillo = Angelo Mottola <lillo@xxxxxxxxxx>
mmimica = Milan Mimica <mmimica@xxxxxxxxxx>
peterhull90 = Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx>
strangemoose = Thomas Fjellstrom <strangemoose@xxxxxxxxxx>
svens = Sven Sandberg <svens@xxxxxxxxxx>
tjaden = Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx>
torhu = torhu <torhu@xxxxxxxxxx>
trentg = Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx>
xaviergonz = Javier González Garcés <xaviergonz@xxxxxxxxxx>
mattsmith = Matt Smith <mattsmith@xxxxxxxxxx>
SiegeLord = Paul Suntsov <siegelord@xxxxxxxxxx>
siegelord = Paul Suntsov <siegelord@xxxxxxxxxx>
thedmd = Michał Cichoń <thedmd@xxxxxxxxxx>