Re: [AD] switching to git, 2012 edition |
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On Tue, 26 Jun 2012 20:40:08 +1000
Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Developers already have SourceForge accounts so I suggest we start
> with that, then consider other options if it's unsatisfactory.
> Changing hosts is easy anyway.
> I nominate Elias to take care of the migration :-)
Sure, I'm happy to play with this.
> I can't see any tags on elias-pschernig/allegro5 and the author names
> are randomly generated. Maybe a new import, or use mine?
> I'd have to look over it again.
Yeah, I left out branches and tags and then added some branches later
manually, from what I remember. Where can you see those author names? I
did nothing at all with them - but I vaguely remember there was a way
to add email addresses to the SVN users when converting to git.
Where is yours?
I started a new svn2git, but with the tags it seems to take forever...
i'll check if it's done tomorrow :P
> We also need to import the allegrowww2 module for the web site.
> The dallegro bindings live in our SVN as well.
> Everything else can remain read only in SVN, I think.
True. I wonder what that allegrogl repository is, with the original one
still on Probably a temporary version during
the merge.