Re: [AD] blender operations SRC and DST

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On 2011-06-09, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I checked it quickly in ex_blend2 but the results are different for
> > textures and memory bitmaps.  I don't know what its supposed to look
> > like.
> >
> I checked a couple of different modes, texture and memory bitmaps look
> the same to me. Can you take a screenshot when you see a difference?

Attached one.  Also there is an assertion failure when either of the
alpha blenders is set to SRC_COLOR or DST_COLOR.  I didn't look into it

include/allegro5/internal/aintern_blend.h:37: get_alpha_factor: Assertion `0' failed.


Attachment: ss2.png
Description: PNG image

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