Re: [AD] blender operations SRC and DST

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On 06/08/2011 08:43 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2011-06-08, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> That is I don't think there is a
>>>> blender optimized for ADD/ALPHA/INVERSE, all the calls from
>>>> scanline_drawers.c were just calling al_blend_inline.
>>>> It looks like scanline_drawers.c only calls either ADD/ALPHA/INVERSE and
>>>> ADD/ONE/ONE, so maybe I should make both specialized blenders?
>>> I just meant add another case to, which calls
>>> _al_blend_alpha_inline for hardcoded values of ADD/ALPHA/INVERSE.  The
>>> compiler will hopefully evaluate the switches in _al_blend_alpha_inline
>>> at compile time and eliminate the unused cases.  I can make the change
>>> later if you don't do it first.
>> Ah ok I get you now. But isn't there already a case for
>> ADD/ALPHA/INVERSE? I see this on
> Oops, I meant ADD/ONE/INVERSE.  I've made the change now.

Ok, should I apply the rest of my patch now (with some cleanups) ?

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