Re: [AD] al_convert_bitmap

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On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Elias Pschernig
<elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ah, yes, I had misread the wiki page. So the additional change I'd
> request is to have the default be ALLEGRO_CONVERT_BITMAP (i.e. when you
> never ever call al_set_new_display_flags in your thread). Then my
> concerns would be satisfied.
> The behavior of using 0 for flags would not change not the behavior
> after the first explicit call to al_set_new_display_flags.
I don't think anybody would care if the display option is enabled by
default (because it wouldn't affect anything by itself), but you may
get complaints if the bitmap flags default to ALLEGRO_CONVERT_BITMAP
if al_set_new_bitmap_flags() is never called.

I personally don't care, so it's the others you'd have to convince.

Matthew Leverton

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