Re: [AD] standard path updates

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On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Thomas Fjellstrom
<tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I agree with Matthew that this should be the actual exe. It's a bit of
>> a push to think of a reason but... supposing the game had more than
>> one executable (e.g. client + local server) then they'd be in the same
>> directory (whether bundled or not) and you could get the location from
> Aren't bundles built in a standard way? Surely the executables live in the
> same place inside the bundle?
Yes they are, but the bundle could be anywhere. The executable can use
EXENAME_PATH to ask 'where am I?' and then manipulate the answer to
find the 'partner' exe. As I said, it's not something that's going to
happen often.


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