Re: [AD] support for mod files

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On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Elias Pschernig
<elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Are DLLs a problem? I never use static linking myself, just so I can
> always see at a glance how much code is where (even my games might use
> multiple .dlls, like have the server in its own .dll for obvious
> reasons).
You can argue all day that it's not a problem (and maybe you are
right), but it is a nuisance, and you can be sure that Windows users
will complain about how "bloated" Allegro 5 is, when in reality it's
just the opposite.

I am in the process of building all of Allegro's dependencies as
static libraries. That way, even when using the dynamic version of
Allegro, you will only have to distribute Allegro DLLs. Hopefully I
can get it all working; currently libFLAC refuses to work...

Ultimately, the solution may just be to tell Windows people "use the
static binaries from". I'm definitely not at this time proposing
any core changes to be made.

I agree that it's not a problem at all under Linux. OS X probably
falls closer to Linux regarding this.

> I like this solution. Especially for the acodec addons we should do it.
> Also, the current situation is definitely broken (audio examples won't
> build unless you have libdumb installed on your system).
I'll put together something for the acodecs that addresses loading all
formats and selectively builds the examples.

Matthew Leverton

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