Re: [AD] support for mod files

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On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 8:08 AM, Elias Pschernig
<elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Won't work right now because al_init_modaudio_addon() must be called to
> add ".mod" to the list. However, it would work if we do it like in the
> image addon - that is have only one al_init_acodec_addon(), which has
> compile-time check for the included formats. I forgot why we did things
> differently for image and audio formats originally - but it seems like
> the better way to me.

Doesn't the singular init function cause every format to be linked to
the executable as soon as one format is used? e.g., Just because I
create an Allegro version with JPEG support doesn't mean I want my
executable that only uses PNGs to be dependent on the JPEG DLLs.

Personally, I'd prefer separate init functions for both audio and
images if it prevented that behavior. That, and I don't think the
audio/image modules should "know" about the internals of the codec
functions from a design perspective, but that's just a minor thing
worth overlooking if it really increases usability.

It's not a big deal to me either way, but I agree they should both
work the same way. I'd be in favor of making the image initialization
work like the audio module if it potentially lessened dependencies.

Matthew Leverton

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