Re: [AD] 5.1?

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 17:51 -0400, Pavel Sountsov wrote:
Why are they laid out that way? Firstly, there's speed issues. E.g. al_transform_transform now needs 12 multiplies, while a full 3D one would need 27.

Hm, given how slow the memory drawers are, how much of a difference
would it make? For the OpenGL/D3D versions I assume no multiplications
are ever done as it should be up to the shader HW.

This is of course true. The speed issue is a relatively minor point.

Secondly, there's the point that A5 is a 2D library by default, and thus many bits of it (specifically the memory drawers both in the core and the primitives addon) just don't support it at this time. Primitives addon can be extended to handle them relatively easily, but the PARALLELOGRAM_MAP probably will need to be rewritten.

What are the drawbacks of removing parallelogram_map completely?

Effort will need to be expended to write a replacement. Or, effort will need to be expended to put the primitives addon into the allegro core.


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