Re: [AD] 5.1?

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On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 17:51 -0400, Pavel Sountsov wrote:
> Why are they laid out that way? Firstly, there's speed issues. E.g. 
> al_transform_transform now needs 12 multiplies, while a full 3D one 
> would need 27.

Hm, given how slow the memory drawers are, how much of a difference
would it make? For the OpenGL/D3D versions I assume no multiplications
are ever done as it should be up to the shader HW.

> Secondly, there's the point that A5 is a 2D library by 
> default, and thus many bits of it (specifically the memory drawers both 
> in the core and the primitives addon) just don't support it at this 
> time. Primitives addon can be extended to handle them relatively easily, 
> but the PARALLELOGRAM_MAP probably will need to be rewritten.

What are the drawbacks of removing parallelogram_map completely?

Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>

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