Re: [AD] 5.1?

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On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, April 26, 2010 4:11 pm, Elias Pschernig said:
> What are the drawbacks of removing parallelogram_map completely?

That function is the greatest evil in all of Allegro... but it works and is
decently fast... But IMO if it can be rewritten more clearly that would be

That wouldn't help with the code duplication and the transformation issue at all so not too much point. What I meant was, the function seems to be (I'm not really sure) redundant. The same thing can be done with the primitives addon.
But anyhow, I can easily keep the current 2D transforms as they are
and create a 3D transform addon or something. I think it would work,
but the core would depend on it anyway I guess, since as I said, the
2D transformation API produced incorrect results (for whatever reason)
when I first tried using it for the iPhone landscape transformation. I
know that involves an orthographic projection which is a 3D thing,
but even when I temporarily removed it for testing, the comparison to
the OpenGL matrix was off, and all of the other transforms are 2D.

I'd say a general 4x4 matrix transformation is sufficiently standard to use for our transformations API. Even Flash which is 100% 2D uses a full 4x4 matrix for transformations. So if at all possible I'd say we shouldn't limit the transformation API to 2D only.

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