Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[13184] allegro/branches/4.9

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On April 3, 2010, Milan Mimica wrote:
> Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> > Please do :) I'll try and fix anything I can in the X code.
> I'm running at 1280x800, NVIDIA 177.80, xorg-
> ex_fs_resize:
> When started it displays at some _random_ point on the "virtual screen".
> (You know that x11 feature where you can change the resolution and
> retain original desktop size, you sort of zoom-in and move the "camera"
> with the mouse pointer. I can achieve the same result by pressing
> ctrl+art+numpad_plus/numpad_minus.) I can move the "camera" rectangle to
> the allegro (supposedly fullscreen) window and then the "camera" is
> stuck there (which is a good thing). The problem is (apart from having
> to place the "camera") is that the bottom part of the screen is missing.
> Notice the difference in ratio between my original desktop size and the
> one set by the example.

Very weird, the first thing the example does is set the windows position to 
the display's x,y offset, so it should show up at 0x0 on the first adapter. 
And the second thing it does is grab the mouse so it can't go outside the 

> I won't even try to describe what happens when the example tries to
> resize.

I think Elias broke that when he was fiddling with the FULLSCREEN_WINDOW 
fixes he did just before I committed my stuff. I'm not sure how though. The 
things he changed shouldn't have really effected anything. But I'm a total X 

> Maybe the problem is misconfiguration in my xorg.conf.

I would suggest trying a driver upgrade if you can. I'm running the latest 
nvidia binaries on my desktop, and the first mode set at least works, the 
second has issues (the window size doesn't change).

> ex_fs_window:
> It kind a stop working right the first time I press Enter while in
> fullscreen-windowed mode.

black screen? known issue, no idea what causes that. And it happens with 
regular FULLSCREEN and with windowed apps randomly. Dunno why yet.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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