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On 27 Mar 2010, at 12:24 , Elias Pschernig wrote:
> I don't think that's possible.
More to the point, isn't the real issue there an improperly configured X server? I mean, if properly configured, shouldn't it only report modes that the combination of video card and monitor can handle?
That probably requires X detecting what kind of monitor you have and knowing what modes it can set based on that information, rather than treating the monitor as a "generic" monitor. If the default setup of the distribution doesn't do that (or can't do that), then this doesn't help, of course.
> instead of ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN and this problem will never occur, along
> with many other advantages.
And along with extra hassle if your game was designed for a particular resolution (arguably a bad idea, but if you're writing a tile-based 2D game then that may well be the case) or aspect ratio and the screen has a different resolution and aspect ratio.
But we've (sortof) had that discussion.