Re: [AD] al_get_path

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> Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
>> Do you have a good reason? (and no, any code that looks like or is a
>> dirty hack doesn't count).
>> If people should be generating paths, we should make the common case the
>> easiest. That would mean using ALLEGRO_PATH everywhere.
> There are many cases where you have the filenames just as strings. For
> example:
> image = al_load_bitmap("hardcoded.png")

You should almost NEVER do that, except maybe in the case of having the
search path setup first.

> or
> filename = al_read_config_value(...)
> image = al_load_bitmap(filename)

path = al_read_config_path(...);
image = al_load_bitmap(path);

> And given how Allegro's use always was for simple programs, uses like
> these are likely the most common in fact.

But it probably shouldn't be the common case ;)

> --
> Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --

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