Re: [AD] al_get_path

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On Sat April 4 2009, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On 4 Apr 2009, at 15:40 , Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> > Thats not what the path in its name means though. Least not really.
> > When in the context of ALLEGRO_PATH's, what path does it get? You
> > don't really know just by looking at the functions name... So maybe
> > it should be renamed to something like al_get_sys_path? Doesn't
> > really fit, because some of the enums are actually user paths, but
> > we don't need to split it into two...
> Maybe al_get_standard_path()? Or al_get_standard_directory() if we
> want to avoid the word "path" in there?
> On the topic of making file loading functions (such as the bitmap
> loading functions) take ALLEGRO_PATHs instead of char*s, I'd really
> (really) rather not.

Do you have a good reason? (and no, any code that looks like or is a dirty hack doesn't count).

If people should be generating paths, we should make the common case the easiest. That would mean using ALLEGRO_PATH everywhere.

> Evert
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thomas Fjellstrom

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