Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11766] allegro/branches/4.9/src/macosx

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On 7 mrt 2009, at 08:12, Elias Pschernig wrote:
Not just that. There's a few places where a huge array from all pixel
formats to all others is constructed from what I remember. It's just
hard to work with right now. Basically, some code re-factoring to make
adding a new pixel format a trivial task would be nice. Such a new
format would not be optimized in any way, but also there would be no
hidden errors in all drivers all of a sudden.

There was a chunk of code similar to that in the OS X driver that was used to convert whatever pixel format the user set (well, actually, that was ignored and overwritten with ARGB_8888 or something similar) to a pixel size to pass to the OpenGL initialisation code. But that conversion is done by Allegro anyway, so I ripped it out.
I can see why there would be more though.

And connected to the above, we simply should document how to add
optimized paths for some formats. The original idea was to have a
function for each possible format combination, but that was going over
the top, as adding a new format now would mean writing a converter to
and from all other formats, so it's prohibitive. Just need to re-think
this a bit.

Have generic functions with the possibility to add a specific one?
I guess that's what you said already... never mind.

Ah, yes, might be a better idea than libzip then.

OTOH, it is an external dependency that might be less common than libzip. But someone could implement both, of course.


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