Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11766] allegro/branches/4.9/src/macosx

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On 7 mrt 2009, at 09:28, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
Thats the route I'm taking. a plain zip addons would be doable using zlib, but how would a plain zlib driver work? what format would archives be in?

You don't use it to read archives, you use it to read compressed files. Say awefully_huge_text_file.txt.gz ;) And before you say that's a corner case that's not generally useful - I have loads of those. Even if you're not going to write them, using zlib means you get regular stdio with the ability to read gzip compressed files as an extra bonus.

Now, I should point out - this is something I make use of quite hapily, but not necessarily in any Allegro-related projects.


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