Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11766] allegro/branches/4.9/src/macosx

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On 7 mrt 2009, at 06:07, Angelo Mottola wrote:
Ok, added event generation.

Awesome. :)

Trunk on OSX seems fairly stable right now,

Thanks, also on behalf of Peter Hull. We try.

I wonder where I could hack on :-)

It's mostly small things.
Elias mentioned the OpenGL mode-selection scheme - personally I think we should allow NSOpenGL to do the best it can, also because there's no real alternative that I can see.

I was thinking about a CoreAudio driver for sound output...

Would be nice, but actually OpenAL is always supported on OS X as well and it works well (there were some issues with OAL not playing back stereo samples on some platforms). If you'd like to stress-test a few things: something to try again is the multi-display support. It worked ok when I last looked at it in January or so, but some more testing wouldn't hurt.

A zlib fshook addon is in the works I assume, right?

I don't think so. On the wish-list, but nothing more than that I think.

Evert Glebbeek
e-mail: eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx, evertg@xxxxxxxxxx
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