Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11766] allegro/branches/4.9/src/macosx

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On Sat March 7 2009, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-03-07 at 10:18 -0800, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > There was a chunk of code similar to that in the OS X driver that was
> > used to convert whatever pixel format the user set (well, actually,
> > that was ignored and overwritten with ARGB_8888 or something similar)
> > to a pixel size to pass to the OpenGL initialisation code. But that
> > conversion is done by Allegro anyway, so I ripped it out.
> > I can see why there would be more though.
> What I'm thinking of mainly is formats like D3D9's 64-bit FP16 or
> 128-bit FP32 textures - would be nice to be able to use corresponding
> Allegro formats. In fact, i could see use for allowing addons to add
> additional pixel formats. Basically, all they should have to provide is:
> - An enumeration value (maybe we can use ALLEGRO_ID for it?)
> - A function to convert an image (or area, but have to make sure
> compressed textures can work) in that format to a standard format
> - A function to convert from a standard format
> And then to have them accelerated:
> - A corresponding D3D pixel format and a corresponding OpenGL pixel
> format, if either exists
> The latter probably means this can't easily be in an addon after all.
> After talking in IRC just before, Trent seems to be working on the
> al_lock_bitmap change right now, when that's done I'll try again adding
> the two mentioned floating point formats - maybe I'll have a better idea
> then how to make the list of supported formats extensible.
> > OTOH, it is an external dependency that might be less common than
> > libzip. But someone could implement both, of course.
> I just looked at the two websites:
> Guess libzip is less of a standard than I thought... I somehow had put
> it along with zlib. But it seems the authors of both the above libs
> implemented the same things and none is very widely used - the only real
> standard lib is zlib.

The cool thing about physfs is it supports a bunch of archive formats, many used in games. as well as zip of course.

> --
> Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>
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