Re: [AD] acodec questions

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2008/12/20 Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Matthew Leverton wrote:
>> 2) Why is acodec a separate add-on from kcm? It seems like a combined
>> allegro-audio.dll would be sufficient since they are essentially
>> mutually dependent. I think audio in general should remain an add-on
>> as many people prefer to just use fmod (etc), but I don't really see
>> the need for the split between the two. (Philosophically, yes there's
>> a difference between them, but I don't see how it's practical.)
> My question is why would you merge them? Works fine as it is. Might not be very
> practical, but it's a minor issue. We should focus on fixing things, and changes
> like this are likely to break something.
> --
> Milan Mimica
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --

Well when i originally wrote acodec and the old audio plugin my
intention was to keep audio in plugin form until it was ready to be
merged into the core. The acodec would then depend on core and not
another plugin. Sorry for not helping out since May but life got the
better of me.

I can look at adding saving functionality over the holidays. It
shouldn't be too hard.

Is there a microphone/webcam input? That would be a cool feature.


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