[AD] Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki)

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I went through the TODO list on the wiki and removed a couple of items that were done (OS X specific items) and added a couple that seemed to be missing. A few questions:

#  Virtual Filesystem: (Tomasu is working on it)
 * List/Find/Open files and directories on the file system (done?)
* Something like the old PACKFILE, so any Allegro function which reads from a file might as well read from a memory buffer or zip file or network... (done?)

The (done?) remarks are mine. I had the impression this is now done. Can someone confirm? Yes, I could check the source and see for myself if I have to.

# API to find common locations, like the location where to store per- user savegames (same directory as .exe often doesn't cut it, e.g. under UNIX) (done?)


# Add some more pixel formats, for example RGBA_ffff is really useful in some situations, and also supported by OpenGL I think. Maybe also add a YUV format (or a way for users to add custom formats)?

Do we really need this (now)?
I do think we should have conversion functions for different colour spaces, these could go in a (small) addon. If we have them already I missed them.

# OpenGL drivers have a maximum texture limit.. display bitmaps bigger than that fail - should we do something about that?

Consensus was that we simply fail to create a video bitmap if the requested size is larger than the texture limit. Am I right?


*  Fullscreen resize

Is it clear why this isn't working properly? (I haven't tried, but the code seems to be commented out).

* Multi-monitor support (needs someone with >1 screen to test)

I tried testing this a while back, but it turned out my iBook couldn't do dual display, only mirror to an external display. However, my new MacBook can apparently do it, so I'll be able to check this, either if/when I decide to go into work over a weekend, or over Christmas when I'm back in Holland (those are the only places where I have access to an extra monitor).

* Audio currently uses OpenAL, "native" CoreAudio might be desirable

Yes. Do we necessarily need this for 5.0.0 or can we put it on our wish list, given that what we have now works ok?

* Joystick code only handles 'simple' devices

I can probably likewise test this over Christmas and contribute to that a little bit.

* Internal functions called osx_* should be renamed to _al_* (mostly done now)

As the comment says, this should be mostly done now. I'll see if this one can be removed.

* Packaging into OS X friendly format (frameworks and bundles)

I suppose...

*  Multi-Monitor support (Tomasu is working on it)

How's it coming?

No TODO list; does this mean there are no Windows specific TODOs? Really?


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