Re: [AD] Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki)

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On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 3:19 AM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> OS X:
> *  Fullscreen resize
> Is it clear why this isn't working properly? (I haven't tried, but
> the code seems to be commented out).
It crashes really badly for me (maybe the cause is what Milan said)
but I found it difficult to debug without a second monitor, so I
haven't got around to it.
> * Multi-monitor support (needs someone with >1 screen to test)
At the moment you should be able to enumerate additional screens but
it's not possible to go fullscreen on anything apart from the primary
screen at the moment. That would be great if you could have a look at
that over Christmas.
> * Audio currently uses OpenAL, "native" CoreAudio might be desirable
> Yes. Do we necessarily need this for 5.0.0 or can we put it on our
> wish list, given that what we have now works ok?
Just need to check which OS versions have OpenAL installed as
standard, I'd rather not introduce another dependency if possible.
Otherwise, no, we don't need it.
> * Joystick code only handles 'simple' devices
> I can probably likewise test this over Christmas and contribute to
> that a little bit.
I've done some on this, I have got some HID report dumps from
different devices that people sent me when I was doing the same for
Allegro 4.


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