Re: [AD] Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki)

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On 27-Nov-08, at 11:35 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
Not sure what you mean, but see below.

I meant, if you set the balance on a sample (say, 0 for left speaker), would it still play on both speakers? Or in other words, was all sound output mono or was it just stereo samples that were played as mono? I would expect the former in all realistic cases since the latter is a bit daft, but I thought I'd ask. Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter now.

Found one. Play it with mplayer or whatever, and then compare what the
OpenAL driver does to it.  It starts louder on the left then shifts to
the right.  The OpenAL driver sounds like it plays both left and right
channels centre balanced, on top of one another.  It's quite obvious.

I think it's fine: it starts out loud on the left and then shifts to the right. It's a bit hard to tell if the output is exactly the same as in mplayer, since mplayer cuts off the last part and iTunes won't open it, but I suppose I can claim it works properly.


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