Re: [AD] Allegro 5 TODOs (from wiki) |
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On 27-Nov-08, at 11:00 PM, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
Well - it produces sound as it should. I never checked whether it produces proper stereo sound though, but I'll see if I can verifythat. If that's the only thing that doesn't work I'm not too worried. ;)
Yes, I seem to get stereo output, at least from the demo game. That's not necessarily the same as you [Peter W] describe though: can you set the left/right balance properly and is it just stereo samples that play as mono, or do you not get stereo output at all? Do you have a stereo sound file that I could use for testing (say, a standard left-to-right sweep)? If not I can probably make one.
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