[AD] Status update on things I'm supposed to be looking into |
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Random other things I've been meaning to look at: some minor OS X annoyances, mostly having to do with hardware mouse cursors not working in full screen mode and an alternative to the OpenAL driver.
In other news, I have a very basic proof-of-concept implementation of (part of) A4's API on top of A5. It doesn't aim for bug-for-bug compatibility and it doesn't allow direct access to bitmaps or anything that tries to poke at A4's internals. It obviously lacks palette support at the moment as well. On the plus side, some of A4's examples run a lot better on top of A5 than they do on top of A4. Is this the sort of level where we want a compatibility interface to live (palettes are something I'll want to do womething about though)? Second of all, do we want it as an "official" addon? I can make it into one, but it requires a bit of cleanup and it's not first on the list of things we need for A5.
Related: do we want a port of the DIGMID driver for MIDI playback? I know I'd like it. Don't care too much about MIDI support otherwise.
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