Re: [AD] Status update on things I'm supposed to be looking into

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On 2008-10-23, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>   * Fixing allegro5-config on OS X, at least from CMake (the list of  
> linker libraries is mangled because it doesn't do the right thing for  
> frameworks): I'm stumped. I can't work out how CMake builds up its  
> own linker line, which is what I want to get from it. I may need to  
> do it manually, which sucks.

Well, we have to tell CMake which libraries to link against anyway and
we do that by building up a list.  The mangling shouldn't be too hard to
fix by modifying these lines:

    foreach(lib ${PLATFORM_LIBS})
        if("${lib}" MATCHES "^-l|^/")
            set(LIBS "${LIBS}${lib} ")
        else("${lib}" MATCHES "^-l|^/")
            set(LIBS "${LIBS}-l${lib} ")                                                 
        endif("${lib}" MATCHES "^-l|^/")                                                 

> In other news, I have a very basic proof-of-concept implementation of  
> (part of) A4's API on top of A5. It doesn't aim for bug-for-bug  
> compatibility and it doesn't allow direct access to bitmaps or  
> anything that tries to poke at A4's internals. It obviously lacks  
> palette support at the moment as well. On the plus side, some of A4's  
> examples run a lot better on top of A5 than they do on top of A4.
> Is this the sort of level where we want a compatibility interface to  
> live (palettes are something I'll want to do womething about though)?  

Sounds good.  Direct access might be important, but I don't know how
that would work.

> Second of all, do we want it as an "official" addon?


> Related: do we want a port of the DIGMID driver for MIDI playback? I  
> know I'd like it. Don't care too much about MIDI support otherwise.

To me, it sounds bad so I don't care.  But 4.9 doesn't have a MIDI addon
so a DIGMID driver might be out of place ;)


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