Re: [AD] A5 licence/license

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On Thursday 23 October 2008, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> Following the discussion that started in this thread: http://
>, there is (again) the question of
> what license Allegro 5 should be under. It does not seem desirable to
> keep the giftware license.
> Three alternate licenses were proposed, the MIT, BSD and Zlib licenses.
> Zlib seems well liked and is very free, similar to Allegro's current
> license. As Peter Wang pointed out there, it has the drawback that
> code under Zlib license is not accepted for Google Code.

I really don't think thats an issue for allegro proper. And anyone is free to 
use whatever license they wish for their own programs and libs, even if they 
use or integrate with allegro.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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