Re: [AD] Status update on things I'm supposed to be looking into

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On Thursday 23 October 2008 06:57:25 pm Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> Related: do we want a port of the DIGMID driver for MIDI playback? I
> know I'd like it. Don't care too much about MIDI support otherwise.

Personally I'd do something like Timidity does. "Render" a MIDI file using a 
given patch set into an audio stream. That'll give you sample-perfect 
accuracy, instead of the 10ms or whatever timer on OSs.

Also don't think it would hurt to add backends that can "load" a MIDI file all 
at once and play it on its own (I think ALSA can do this, and there still are 
hardware-based wavetable MIDI devices out there). Just don't have Allegro try 
to do thread-based timing to manually trigger note on/off events in 

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