Re: [AD] Status update on things I'm supposed to be looking into |
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- To: Coordination of admins/developers of the game programming library Allegro <alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [AD] Status update on things I'm supposed to be looking into
- From: Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 22:48:27 -0400
On 23 Oct 2008, at 22:26, Peter Wang wrote:
Well, we have to tell CMake which libraries to link against anyway and
we do that by building up a list. The mangling shouldn't be too
hard to
fix by modifying these lines:
foreach(lib ${PLATFORM_LIBS})
if("${lib}" MATCHES "^-l|^/")
set(LIBS "${LIBS}${lib} ")
else("${lib}" MATCHES "^-l|^/")
set(LIBS "${LIBS}-l${lib} ")
endif("${lib}" MATCHES "^-l|^/")
Those are the ones. The problem is that PLATFORM_LIBS contains the
full path to the framework, so it's a question of turning /System/
Somewhere/Someplace/Somethingorother/library.framework into -
framework library. Easy to do with regular expressions, but I have to
look up how they work in CMake and haven't got round to that yet.
(Right now there are two libraries in the list listed as -framework,
but that's actually wrong; there's an "OS X person should look at
this" comment in the bit that sets it up; I have a proper fix for
that, I'll try to commit that tonight).
Sounds good. Direct access might be important, but I don't know how
that would work.
Well, A4 does have an API that doesn't involve the line pointers
directly. I presume that could be used to wrap around A5's way of
bitmap locking. Not the first thing I'm going to implement though. ;)
Ok. I'll get what I have into a state where others can look at it,
then add it to the repository. Estimated timescale: a week or two,
maybe three (fingers crossed).
To me, it sounds bad so I don't care. But 4.9 doesn't have a MIDI
so a DIGMID driver might be out of place ;)
Well, my idea was to implement MIDI support through a DIGMID addon. ;)
I'm not sure I know enough about MIDI to implement a better driver
than A4's, but I can certainly try. Estimated timescale: sometime
after the estimated two or three weeks mentioned above. :P