Re: [AD] Streams, VFS etc.

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On Wed, 2008-09-03 at 19:56 -0600, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> On Wed, September 3, 2008 7:10 pm, Evert Glebbeek said:
> > I can try to work out a more detailed agenda, but a detailed
> > breakdown of the status of each of the different components is
> > essential. Maybe everyone can post their estimate for whatever
> > component they are working on/have worked on/will work on?
> People need to start adding stuff to
> that must make
> it into 5.0. I consider "my part" to be the D3D driver and the cross
> platform graphics support code. I'm willing to help out with other
> stuff as I have time. The thing is, D3D has been pretty stable for a
> while (although there's a nagging keyboard focus issue), so I don't
> have much to do.
> That said, please don't swamp me with stuff to do! If it turns out
> there's more to do than I think, I'm not going to lose sleep just to
> have A5 out in April.

I think we should go ahead with the April 1st release date as a goal -
but I also don't see it very realistic. The alleg5 mailing list was
created sometime in 2002, so Allegro5 is developed for at least that
long - and there always was long periods of no activity setting in
rather suddenly. One of those is bound to happen before next April :P

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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