Re: [AD] Streams, VFS etc. |
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On 3 Sep 2008, at 20:44, Peter Wang wrote:
Would be great, but it sounds pretty optimistic. On the other hand much of the API is pretty stable now, including gfx,so maybe we can start encouraging users to try it out for their projectsand thus uncover bugs.
Someone should draw up a timetable for when things need to be done. A release of April 1st basically means you need to plan for things to be ready (including documentation!) no later than early March. You know you'll overrun at least a week or two. It probably also means the code should be in feature freeze no later than, say, January. Which means the last pre-freeze WIP release would be around Christmas. If there's one release "right now" and another one in between, that means three more WIPs to get everything stable and working. If things progress the way they've been going for the past few weeks, it's certainly doable, but they won't if for no other reason than summer holidays being over.
On the other hand, we could aim for 5.0 RC1 on April 1st and still claim Allegro 5 came out on April 1st. That gives a little more breathing space. What should be avoided though is an "incomplete" release, like KDE 4.0.
I can try to work out a more detailed agenda, but a detailed breakdown of the status of each of the different components is essential. Maybe everyone can post their estimate for whatever component they are working on/have worked on/will work on?
In the mean time getting people to use the current code and find bugs is a good idea.
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