Re: [AD] Streams, VFS etc.

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On Tuesday 02 September 2008, Peter Hull wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> 
> > Yeah, the code I've been working on has an AL_FS_ENTRY type, and lets a
> > person or addon replace all of the underlying functionality via a vtable,
> That sounds great; I definitely think that simpler is better for this.
> May be we can get it in place before 4.9.5?
> Pete

I can't promise much. My ability to concentrate for this sort of thing comes 
and goes at inopportune times. Right now I'm not 100% sure what state the 
fshook branch is in, I have to sit down and pour over it all again. Last I 
remember (I can't depend on my recall being accurate ::)) it was mostly done, 
except for some refactoring to get it more inline with how everyone else is 
managing vtables in 4.9, it currently uses a al_fs_set_vtable(enum, void *) 
function to let addons manage the vtables, but I'll just switch to doing what 
the display drivers do instead. Except that al_init will always default to the 
stdio driver.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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