Re: [AD] Default behaviour of mouse

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On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 14:07 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2008-09-03, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I'm assuming from the fact that I have to add al_show_mouse_cursor()
> > to some of the examples that the behaviour is different between OSs
> > or drivers. What should be the default? Mouse hidden or mouse shown?
> Shown by default is probably better.  In a windowed environment, the
> mouse cursor is on by default.  Programs which hide it better have good
> reasons for it.

I agree - it always bothered me how A4 programs would hide the mouse
cursor for no good reason. Of course, Windows fullscreen simply has no
mouse cursor - but all we can do about that is mention it in the docs
and encourage users to check for current mouse cursor availability (do
we have a way to do that?) - and draw one themselves in Windows

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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