Re: [AD] Is al_set_mouse_range any useful?

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On 2007-10-09, Elias Pschernig <allefant@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, I hate them as well, hence the warning in my proposal. Still, for
> playing a 3d shooter in windowed mode with the mouse, or running UAE
> or DOSBox, it is necessary to have such a feature. (Ideally, all those
> apps provide a sane way to get out of the mouse capture mode of
> course.)

There may be two features that we want:

    1. constraining a mouse cursor inside a window

    2. providing infinite mickeys (e.g. for 3d shooters)

I think you can't have (2) without (1), but (1) might be useful without
(2).  (1) can be implemented by users given (2), if they draw their own


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