Re: [AD] Is al_set_mouse_range any useful? |
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Well, first, there would now be a way to allow the mouse to move freely again after being constrained (which is why I didn't think the allegro 4set_mouse_range would confine movement - you could never undo it again in that case).
Yes you can: set_mouse_range(0,0,SCREEN_W-1, SCREEN_H-1), which is the default setting (see the docs).
And second, there would be a parameter to specify the window to which toconfine the mouse, in the case of multiple windows.
Well, I think multiple windows are something that should be considered, but it's a separate issue to wether or not the current functionality is broken or not (it isn't). I think there are other concerns in trapping the mouse in a particular window, let alone a region within the window, that we should think about. We probably do need to give the programmer the option of trapping the mouse within the application window because there are cases where it's useful (although I still hate it personally).
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