Re: [AD] 4.2.2 schedule

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On 6/29/07, Matthew Leverton <meffer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 6/29/07, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> How come the .dsp files are generated with Mac file endings (CR only)
> instead of LF or CR/LF?  Just curious.
Anyway, I'll fix it tomorrow.

I've updated the package at

I have included folders for msvc6, 7 and 8. It turns out that the VC 8
files were compatible with VC 7 after I just switched the version
numbers down.

So this means that if space is a concern, there's no need to include
the msvc8 folder because VC 8 can import the VC 7 file. Technically VC
8 does have some extra defines (to silence deprecation warnings), but
I left them in the VC 7 project files since they won't hurt. The only
down side is that a project conversion wizard comes up when you load
the project files for the first time.

And in case anyone is wondering, yes VC 7 and 8 can import VC 6
projects as well, but there's enough difference with the compiler and
linker options that it's not a good idea to do that.

Matthew Leverton

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