Re: [AD] 4.2.2 schedule

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> > Did you send it?
> >
> I sent the MSVC 8 ones, but it was just over 100KB, so it probably got filtered.

You can send them to me personally if you like.

I've uploaded them here:

They contain MSVC 6 and 8 project files that were 100% automatically
generated from source. I'll update it at some point with MSVC 7, so it
will be best to download it just before making the RC release (as I
may update it before then).

The files are to go in the build subdirectory (eg, /build/msvc6,
/build/msvc8). There is also /build/pre-build-msvc.bat (for lack of a
better name...) that prepares a clean source package. As of now, it
just sets ALLEGRO_MSVC and builds plugins.h.

The project files do not try to install Allegro anywhere. It wouldn't
really even work in Vista anyway, since it restricts access to where
you can save files when running under reduced privileges (default

I tested on MSVC 6 via a Windows XP VM and on MSVC 8 via Windows Vista.

Some links: - tech details behind how
they are created. - usage instructions for MSVC 6 - usage instructions for MSVC 8

Matthew Leverton

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