Re: [AD] Requesting SVN hosting for dallegro

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
D doesn't really need makefiles because of bud (aka. build), but I understand if you want to integrate it into Allegro's makefile system somehow. And of course, it doesn't hurt to be able to build without bud. One less dependency and all that.

Well, if this bud is sort of a standard build system used by all D
programmers, then it can be used I'd say.

I don't know if everyone uses it. On linux, you'd probably have to build it first, using the makefile that comes with it.

But once you've got it, it's by far the easiest way to build D programs. It parses your source code to find the modules you import, and compiles and links the whole thing. To build the allegro demo game:

c:\prog\dallegro>bud demo\demo alleg.lib

Instead of specifying 'alleg.lib' on the command line, you can add it in the source code:

version (build) {
        pragma(link, "alld.lib");
        pragma(link, "alleg.lib");

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