Re: [AD] Patch for makefile issue when compiling MSVC with Cygwin

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Milan Mimica napsal(a):
Yeah really, why not making --msvcpaths default for all MSVC targets?

because it won't work with DJGPP/Cygwin without w32api

I assume Borland C makefile is broken for ages because no one uses it.

it should work fine using Mingw or DJGPP GNU tools

Andrei Ellman napsal(a):
And making --msvcpaths default wouldn't work if the user doesn't have win32-api installed onto cygwin/mingw.

Ermm... don't we already need win32-api to be able to build the Allegro windows build?

note that we are speaking actually about MSVC build, just using Cygwin
GNU tools


To make msvcpaths default I see two solutions:

-- build msvchelp.c using MSVC - I have no idea why it isn't already
   done this way
-- use msvchelp rewritten in VBscript - much faster, not
   much tested, needs WSH (IIRC part of Windows since w2000,
   may require installation for w9x)
   available at:


ICQ# 175762750

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