Re: [AD] Patch for makefile issue when compiling MSVC with Cygwin |
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Andrei Ellman wrote:
The second version using makefile.helper does not work if using MSVC6, as msvchelp.c does not get called. Either use the version of the patch that I've attatched (a modified version of the first version of your patch), or update fix.bat so that msvchelp.c is called regardless of which MSVC version is being used (and update the docs to reflect this).
Yeah really, why not making --msvcpaths default for all MSVC targets? We can relax DOS 8.3 format restrictions for paths since we have msvchelp. There must be a catch I'm affraid
My patch also changes WINDIR_S = $(shell cygpath -S) to WINDIR_S := $(shell cygpath -S)in order to speed up makefile parsing. I have attatched a similar patch for makefile.mgw that does the same.
Also worth mentioning is that the runner.exe utility does not seem to like paths in /cygdrive/c/ format. Am I right in guessing that apps compiled with -mno-cygwin cannot recognise cygdrive paths? If so, is it worth compiling runner.exe as a native cygwin app so that the following:ifdef ALLEGRO_USE_CYGWIN MSVCDIR_TOOLSDIR_U = $(subst \,/,$(MSVCDIR_MSVCDIR)) else MSVCDIR_TOOLSDIR_U = $(MSVCDIR_U) endif can be reduced to: MSVCDIR_TOOLSDIR_U = $(MSVCDIR_U)
I don't know. Makes sense thought. Someone needs to try it. -- Milan Mimica
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