Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.1 stress test

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On Thursday 31 August 2006 20:56, Milan Mimica wrote:
> Yes. I successfully built a MinGW version (without MSVC). There was a 
> problem with ALLEGRO_USE_C defined though.

As far as I know, you cannot create a (strictly) C-only version of the 
Windows port because at least some parts will insist on using ASM anyway. 
If you could build a C-only version of the library, there'd be no need for 
GCC when using MSVC.
Note that even if you could, the resulting shared library would not be ABI 
compatible with the ASM version of the library due to different calling 

So while it's good to know and keep in mind (4.3 should really do this 
better), I don't think it needs to bother us too deeply.


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