[AD] Allegro 4.2.1 stress test

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I haven't gone through the changelog in detail yet, leaving that for a lazy 
moment tomorrow, but I have updated the release scripts and release 
information and tested the release in Linux, where it seems to work.

I had some problems with the release in MacOS X though: plugins.h was not 
generated as it should have been and make tries to put fixbundle.o in 
obj/macosx/alleg/macosx, which doesn't exist. There are easy quick&dirty 
fixes for both (like creating the directory) butI'd like for someone more 
familiar with the OSX port to look at this, and in particular look into 
the change since 4.2.0 that causes this.

Anyway, archives are available at


please stress test these! I won't release them publicly until it's 
confirmed to compile normally on all platforms*, to prevent a repeat of 
the `Allegro 4.2.0 doesn't work on DJGPP!' disaster.

Just in case there is any doubt, if more is required than
   fix.sh $platform
for UNIX systems, or
   fix.sh $platform
for DOS/Windows/MacOS X, that indicates a problem with the release.

*) not sure if this includes all combinations of MinGW/MSYS/Cygwin/DJGPP 
for compiling with MSVC

I'm leaving version number updates and SVN tags until the end. My aim for 
release is sunday september 3, so please try to test before then.


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