Re: [AD] CMake

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On 2006-07-27, Miguel A. Gavidia <juvinious@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yeah sure I can assist

What's your SourceForge username?

> I see some TODO's that I have done like the ASM 
> checking. I wrote 3 extra macros to handle some of the unix checking 
> including one that compiles sources and runs it since the default macro only 
> checks if the source compiles. Usefull for those items like 
> ALLEGRO_ALSA_VERSION which seems you automatically set to 9.

Yes.  We can safely drop ALSA 0.5 support now.

> I also excluded 
> those checks to seperate files since having everything in that one 
> CMakeLists.txt makes it quite cluttered and difficult to follow. :)

Sure, fix whatever you like.  Don't break it up into *too* many files
though, as that is confusing as well.


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