[AD] CMake

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I've just added some initial support for the CMake
(http://www.cmake.org) build system to the 4.3 branch.  It works on
Linux and MinGW at the moment, but potentially it can generate MSVC
workspaces, too.  Depending on how well it goes, it could be a single
build system for all the platforms that we support so we could get rid
of the autoconf stuff *and* the triplicated makefiles.

Yes, you would need to have CMake installed to build Allegro.
(But apparently KDE4 are using CMake so it should be available for
most Linux distributions soon.)

You can build the 4.3 branch on Linux now by running:

    ccmake .

Pick the configuration of Allegro you want, then push [c]onfigure, then
[g]enerate.  Then run:



    make install DESTDIR=/tmp/foo

On Windows, you'd use the CMake GUI instead of ccmake.
Make sure to enable WANT_ASM -- apparently ALLEGRO_NO_ASM never worked
on Windows?


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