Re: [AD] Windows unicode filename support

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On Thursday 04 May 2006 17:29, Michal Molhanec wrote:
> Chris napsal(a):
> > Yes, and the stack already has a nice 1K buffer on it for this, and
> > globals aren't terribly nice. Hence, problematic. ;)
> My patch didn't use any global variable.

I know. I mean that besides using dynamicly allocated strings, you'd have to 
use a static array on the stack (which already has stuff on it), or a global 

> But that's not important, you are not specifying any particular encoding
>   in the WideCharToMultibyte function, you are just saying "convert it
> to user's ANSI codepage whatever it is". You are not interested in exact
> encoding.

Right. So if you have a filename with, say, an accented e, and the user's 
codepage doesn't have an accented e, it'll be mapped to the "unknown" 
character, and the file won't be found.

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