Re: [AD] new demo game

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On Wednesday 28 December 2005 01:13, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Maybe we should just commit the latest version (I assume you have the
> newest),

I do.

> even if it's somewhat broken - that way more people could work 
> on it.

Well, it's not broken, but I have some documentation patches from Miran and 
Thomas that I need to merge in.

I should have free time on friday. I'll try to commit it then.

> I like the idea of a demos module. For distributions, e.g. upcoming
> 4.2.1, we could simply distribute the skater demo along with it. But I'd
> actually prefer it as separate download.

Ok, how do I create a seperate module with SVN (I'm still getting used to 
it)? It looks to me like it's as easy as making a top level directory and 
doing am SVN add. Is that correct?

> About the old demos, I think there's no point putting them into SVN,
> e.g. if we fix a bug in one of them, should we apply it to all?

We shouldn't fix bugs at all, I think. Next we know, we'll be adding new 
features... :P

> What 
> about the cleaning of the code, should it be applied to also the old
> versions?

I think it should be cleaned up to the point where it compiles and runs 
(which is only nescessary for the 1.0 demo, I think - the others compile 
as is except for END_OF_MAIN()).

> So I say, a website is enough, they are just sort of a 
> curiosity item for us allegro oldtimers :) 



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