Re: [AD] new demo game

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On Monday 26 December 2005 08:41, Peter Wang wrote:
> Is anyone planning to integrate the new demo game soon? 

Planning? Oh yes... :'(
Not today but I'll try to get round to it before the end of the year. I 
still need to merge in some commenting and formatting.

> It seems to 
> have been forgotten about.  I think the plan was to remove the old one,
> but can we keep them both in the repository? 

We could, I suppose.

> I propose a `demos' directory with `classic' and `skater' inside that
> (or whatever you want to call the old and new demos respectively).

I was thinking of maybe a `demos' module that could have demo1, demo2, 
demo3, demo40, demo42 and the new demo (ie, all of them). Just because 
it's cool that the old ones still work. ;)
But maybe this webpage I've talked about will be enough for that.


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